Friday, July 23, 2010


Yep it happens to all of us.

Your favourite blogger has been more than a bit down lately. Regular readers may remember my issues with not being able to sleep at night well that has come to a head recently with much gnashing of teeth and swearing at 4 in the morning when I am as wide awake was a SWAT sniper on duty which is awake believe me. So to preserve what little sanity I have left I will be trying book an appointment with my doctor and see if he can offer some assistance.

In other news I am very jealous of anyone near San Diego for it is Comic Con time. All those comics all those shows and a few geek friendly and lovely actresses plus cool people from podcasts I tend to like. Twitter is a good place to follow what is going on at SDCC not just from the fans but also the stars of shows like Caprica, Smallville and Stargate Universe.

Just in case you were interested I follow these actors on Twitter


An interesting mix and the majority of whom have featured heavily in at least one or two Comic Cons past and present. Maybe you might want to follow them too but hey maybe you don't even use Twitter so whatever.

Moving on...

(This is what happens when like me you can never turn your brain off even for commercials let alone trying to sleep at night)
Hmm whey protein doesn’t look very tasty, I mean I think whey protein some milkshake type thing (and I don’t drink milkshakes) and I compare it to a takeaway pizza and I wonder how the bodybuilders do it. I digress.

As I write the second half of this I am waiting for my pain pills to kick in so bear with me. Tonight I just watched the season finale of the Mentalist. Now I remember when the show first came around it started out with a hell of a lot of hype and marketing now it has settled into its place as a part of the Five schedule. As a show it is harmless fun but nothing more.

It doesn’t really have an ongoing story arc except that whole Red John thing which doesn’t seem to be going very far. You could compare it to Law and Order but far less serious than the variants of those shows tend to be and a bit more formulaic which is disappointing in this day and age.

And for my final point of the day I may be getting some new hardware I will let you know if and when it actually happens.

[They've kicked in now and I am eating banana pancakes things are briefly chilled and not too painful]

See you next time True Believers!!!

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